Zu Beginn des neuen Jahres, der Jahreswechsel liegt gefühlt schon wieder eine halbe Ewigkeit hinter uns, möchte ich auf zwei Kollegen verweisen, welche vor Kurzem sehr schöne Videoclips produziert haben.
A Steadycam is basically a tripod on the body, which, due to its construction, enables the cameraman to create very stable images with simultaneous local movement. This creates the impression that the camera floats through space. In order to keep the camera really steady, the camera operators, called Steaycam operators, train for years and take part in special Steadycam seminars to improve their skills. Alexander Pauckner, who also fantastically operated the Steadycam for Camille, has now put his demo reel online, where he shows off his excellent skills: Steadycam demo reel Alexander Pauckner
It is not long ago that the first free elections were held in Myanmar after years of military dictatorship. Daniel Grendel shows what parts of the population have experienced during this time in his film “Myanmar Goes Democracy”. In his 90-minute documentary he accompanies 5 people who tell their personal stories and in doing so bring us closer to a country that is unknown to most of us. The film is not finished yet, but Daniel keeps us up to date on a Facebook fan page. A trailer gives first impressions in which direction the film is heading: Myanmar Goes Democrazy Trailer