
A photo for the fire department

Last week I was on tour with the MAIS and the MIK. That is on the one hand the Ministry of Labour, Integration and Social Affairs of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, MAIS for short, and on the other hand the Ministry of the Interior and Municipal Affairs of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, MIK for short.

This involved the project Feuerwehrsache, which deals with the support of voluntary work in fire departments. MAIS is involved in this project to promote the integration of, as they say, people with a migration background (I am by definition one of these background migrants) in the fire departments.

On this day, the Secretary of State for integration visited the voluntary fire department in Kall, which has an interesting member to call its own: a native Bulgarian with training as a puppeteer. This very active lady then had the hilarious idea to develop a puppet show on the subject in order to get more people interested in the voluntary fire brigade.

Overall the day was very interesting and there were many funny moments. And at the end of the day I (the reason why I was there in the first place) took the photo, which is now published on the official MAIS website.

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